This ought to inspire us to ask the question: "Then who can escape God's wrath?" We have all sinned (Romans 3:23), and therefore we are all deserving of the judgment of God. So who can escape it? The answer is plain and simple: NOBODY.
That is -- unless there is another plan; a substitute. Unless someone who does NOT deserve to be punished for sin intervenes in judgment in our place, and takes upon him- or herself self our punishment, then we surely stand our just desserts for sin. This was the eager expectation and hope of the Old Covenant saints, those who hoped for a once-and-for-all redeemer -- Someone who would save them from their sin.
Enter: Jesus Christ. The cross is what WE deserve, yet it's what Jesus suffered -- IN OUR PLACE. Sin is held accountable for you and for me on the Cross of Jesus Christ, our once-and-for-all Redeemer. Forgiveness of sin simply requires our faith to be placed on Jesus, and Jesus alone as our substitute. "For salvation is found in none other than Jesus Christ; there is no other name under heaven given to us by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12).
Thank God for providing a substitute!