Live anywhere for any amount of time and you’ll encounter tragic stories of violence that flood
our news sites. Stories of mass beheadings,
mass shootings, police officer shootings,
police officers being murdered, stabbing deaths, the 9-11 terror attacks, etc.
We must take careful notice, however, that none of this originated in our modern era. Recall Andrea Yates, the mother accused of
drowning all of her children in a bathtub;
mass suicide/murder in Guyana,
and a plethora of other horrors that bloody the pages of human history.
have blamed drugs and alcohol; religion, politicians, and governments; pools, tubs,
and, cars; bombs, knives, and fists; liberals, conservatives, and communists.
the single common factor found in all of these atrocities is the dark, sin-sickened hearts that plague fallen human beings.
From the dawn of humanity, Man’s wickedness has been widespread (both in
the days of Noah and now), and that every thought of our minds is evil all the
time (Genesis 6:5). Jeremiah the prophet
proclaimed about Judah – as if we didn’t prove or know it even in our own
hearts – that sin is written with an iron stylus on the heart (Jeremiah 17:1). Jeremiah
continued, “the human heart is more deceitful than anything else, and is
incurable” (Jeremiah 17:10).
to our own devices and sin, apart from Jesus Christ, and separated from our
Creator, the simple truth is this: We will all surely die! Sin has a 100% success rate among fallen
humanity, and we prove daily that we truly are in need of a Savior. We can blame everyone and everything else in
this world for what’s wrong with us, but when we fail to look inside and observe our own darkness of heart to see its deep depravity, we will forever continue blaming others.
has been patient with us so far, allowing us to take in beauty and chaos, life
and death, victory and defeat, and the majesty of the heavens and the earth. It’s something theologians call "common grace". And if witnessing all that we have doesn’t draw us to our Creator, crying out for mercy and forgiveness
of sin through Jesus Christ, then we will forever be lost, wondering who or
what to blame next, proving that we have ultimately suppressed truth
(Romans 1:18).
asked “What’s wrong with the world?” GK Chesterton simply and humbly answered, “I am.”
Powerful words, Mike. Thanks for this.