

"Expositional Preaching", by David Helm (book review)

I welcomed the opportunity to review “Expositional Preaching”, by David Helm when it was offered by Crossway Publishing.  This is one of many thoughtfully helpful books offered in the IX Marks (9 Marks)ministry series, and it was well worth the short amount of time it took to read it.  It’s just a little book, comprised of only an Introduction, 4 chapters, and a Conclusion.

You may wonder how a book on expositional preaching could be helpful to a non-preacher.  Many of us who are not preachers enjoy theological studies and application. After all, we are all theologians in one way or another.  What I enjoyed about this book as a non-preacher was that it provided me with three helpful insights. First, it makes me more aware of what to look for and expect from preachers and my own pastor.  Second, it makes me aware of research techniques that good preachers should employ.  And so it seems that if good preachers should practice it, then it could also aid my personal study. Third, the application of Helm's insights places just a few more tools in my belt to make me that much more effective whenever I teach or facilitate small group studies in the future.

One set of thoughts that resonated deeply with me was that of bathing the preaching of God’s word in prayer: praying during the preparation, during the presentation, and following its presentation.  While the point was made for preachers, I think it rightly can/should apply to those of us sitting in the seats, submitting to the authority of God’s word.  I am reminded to pray for my pastor from Monday to Saturday, that he would be of a clear mind as he studies.  I am reminded to prayerfully listen intently to God’s word as it is being spoken, to heed the promptings and convictions of the Holy Spirit in my own heart and mind.  Finally, I am reminded to pray that we who are listening might be changed and convicted by the preaching of God’s word as we wrestle with the truth in our lives.

I think a book like this is a must-have, useful tool for preachers and pew-sitters alike.  Sadly, good, biblical, expositional preaching has gone the way of the dinosaur, but is so desperately needed today.  If people were more aware of what to expect, and if preachers were more aware of what should be expected of them, and more in tune with how to be more effective communicators of God's word, I can only imagine the powerful change the Word of God could bring about in today’s listeners.

Recommendation: I give “Expositional Preaching” 5 out of 5 stars.  Get a copy today; you won’t be disappointed!

Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge in exchange for my unbiased review of it.  All opinions are mine, and I was not required to provide a positive review of it.

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